Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Blogging and statistics

Greetings to all who have decided to follow my blog and the randoms who are simply passing through.

I have started this blog as part of my assessment in my University degree for media production.

Alright so I have been informed that i should be talking about things we have discussed in class. This weeks topic is blogging. On this note I have decided to undergo a thesis of sorts as just a quick study of "blogging" sites and the ideas behind them.

In this weeks lecture we were informed that where once the Internet was mainly a tool for geeks, companies and well... altogether simply rich and/or smart people. this however is no longer the case given the new technologies that allow someone with virtually no Internet or computer ability to make a posting online. As a result an overall pattern is said to have emerged in regards to difficulty or access, user interface and purpose. This is to say the easier a site is to use, the more people will generally use it and it is more liable to be accessed for altogether trivial purposes.

Thesis: The easier a site is to use, increases the likely hood of a "trivial" posting - The blog study!
For this study, take three sites, three users from each, and their last five posts. Placed into one of two categories; personal/trivial or political/informative/factual.

Section one, twitter:
Our simplest blog format for this test granting a 140 character restraint for each post. This site is frequented often by larger name celebrities, as well as common users. Each user has the ability to 'follow' friends, this cause's updates made by people a user follows to be displayed on the user's home page.

First user, Australian musical artist

RT @hs: Oi! Record Label are giving away mine and goodwills mix of Miike Snow for FREEEEE....yyyyyeeeeeeeah! go get it!... http: ...
about 16 hours ago from web

And that is a wrap!
12:13 AM Feb 18th from web

http://twitpic.com/13uv7x - My fabtastic make-up artist Trudy gave me pressies from her range Ultimate Lash
5:24 PM Feb 17th from TwitPic

On the set of my new video
1:31 PM Feb 17th from web

@cl heard it ! siiiickkkkk rick :-)
7:40 AM Feb 15th from web

Second user, university graduate, also facebook user 1
I'm hoping that our internet gets connected before Friday, otherwise I'll have to do my tute selections from the public library. At 9am. :(
2:33 AM Feb 16th from API

New apartment. Now is the time for uunpacking/sorting/cleaning. But I am le tired... :(
2:16 PM Feb 8th from API

@hb Windsor, Masters of Teaching at Sydney Uni. How about you?
7:08 PM Feb 7th from mobile web

@hb hi there you, long time no see/hear/etc :D
2:55 PM Feb 7th from mobile web

@lz Because LJay comments are turned off: HUGS. You are made of win and clever, and

Third user, university dropout, IT student
#gamers4croydon NO R18+ for videogames? Grow Up Australia http://www.gamers4croydon.org/home
3:08 PM Oct 29th, 2009 from web

Hmm this Twitter thing... It does.. WHAT ??? With WHAT...??? Using A WHAT ??? Ohh my great googly exisitence... what have you done ....
8:24 PM Sep 22nd, 2009 from web

Hey #mariomarathon Nice work guys, keep at it GLHF (Mario Marathon live > http://ustre.am/VS3)
6:20 PM Jul 12th, 2009 from Ustream

OHH NOES my interblags is slow... It's caught swine flu ahhh....
10:32 PM May 4th, 2009 from web

Hmmm.... So about that swine flu.... Not gunna get us here in madagascar?

Presently assuming that my self judgement of these comments is correct, the tally for twitter now stands at 4 informative to 11 personal. Giving evidence that our thesis is correct. I will elaborate on this further shortly.

Names have been changed for the protection of users

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